First Impressions
First impressions are irretrievable – yet most of us don’t know how we come across! Learn how others perceive the way you show up. Design it towards being aligned with who you are and how you want to be experienced.
Know Your Impact
Many of us do not understand or underestimate our impact. Learn what yours is, and adjust it to be in harmony with your desires, and with what is appropriate and needed in the moment.
Being True To Yourself
Nothing is easier – and more compelling – than just being authentic, being your true self. Peel back layers you have adopted that may no longer be serving you. Move towards embodied authenticity – it is extremely compelling.
Gain Confidence
How does confidence work, and how does it get conveyed? Learn how to have the appropriate level of influence in any situation. Become authentic, real *and* confident. Stand up for yourself while coming from a place of internal authority.
Challenging Conversations
Typically, we either do not have them, or we have them poorly. Learn how to have them skillfully and elegantly. The way you handle the tough conversations will affect the course of your relationships the most.
Mediation Between Parties
Having enough strife to feel stuck but not enough to seek legal mediation services? Benefit from having an impartial, dispassionate yet caring third party present as you work out important interpersonal issues.
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